Feel free to contact us by phone, fax or email for more information about how we can assist you with your upcoming general contracting, contruction management or design/build project needs.
6464 Metro Ct. Bedford Heights, Ohio 44146
Phone: (440) 439-6100 • Fax: (440) 439-6104
Email: info@midconconstruction.com
Darryl Wilkins
Phone: 440-439-6100, Ext. 208
Email: dwilkins@midconconstruction.com
Ray Krankowski
Phone: 440-439-6100, Ext. 206
Email: rkrankowski@midconconstruction.com
Chad Jurisch
Phone: (440) 439-6100, Ext. 209
Email: cjurisch@midconconstruction.com
Carmen Starkey
Phone: (440) 439-6100, Ext. 204
Email: cstarkey@midconconstruction.com
Steve Szy
Phone: (440) 439-6100, Ext. 202
Email: sszy@midconconstruction.com